speaker, teacher, author. passionate about having conversations.
Pre-Order Worth It.
Brit Barron grew up in an Evangelical megachurch in the '90s, trying to fit neatly inside the boundaries her church and its narrow view of God had placed around her. She was boxed in by her fears, unable to realize her full potential. All that changed when she met a girl named Sami, fell in love, and chose to leave behind those narrow boundaries in favor of a fuller and more vibrant life.
In Worth It, Brit tells her story to inspire all of us to overcome our own fears--the kinds of fears that keep us from evolving beyond the narratives that have been handed to us by others. We can't avoid or outrun these fears, but if we face them, we'll find out that it was so worth it !
Book Brit.
Brit is known for her ability to tell a story, for her approachable method of teaching, for finding the ways in which we are all connected and of course, also for her dance moves. Oh, by the way - her friends (now you!) call her Beans.
Brit did a TEDx Talk in 2017 about diversity and advocacy.
Brittany Barron translates Beyoncé's music as a road map about race relations in the United States; demonstrating that being "colorblind" is not the goal, but diminishing our nation's "expertise" in racism is. The intent of Brits work and this video is to create a deeper and more personal understanding of the history of race in America.